Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Saturday afternoon was the 5th Annual Rifle Match held by the Evans family. It started with a couple families way back when and its gotten to quite the handful of people! I'm definitely not a marksman (or woman :P) but getting out there to shoot and LEARN how to shoot is tons of fun for everyone.  Dad and I were the only ones able to make it out this year and though neither one of us made it to the top, we had a blast! I mean, c'mon, we're shooting...whats not to love??

Congratulations to Colton E., Jacob E., and Sam E. for making the top three! :)

Got bullets?

Everyone crowds around the table to get registered and get their targets!

Let the shooting begin!

Ashly and Jesi :D

The 4  score keepers doin' a great job! Their word was law that day-don't mess with 'em!

Jacob and Garrett shoot sitting down-wouldn't wanna get in their way!

This little guy made me laugh- apparently even BOYS need a parasol. ;)

Me and my prone position. Yes, my legs are up. :)

I've been infatuated by water shots, and although this one isn't perfect, I'm likin' the effect and colors! 

Colton got first 1st place this year. Here he is receiving his Rugger 10/22...

...and giving it to his brother, Jacob, who got 2nd place. Great job, guys!

Group picture of the gang-congratulations, winners!!


Tedashi said...

Wow looks fun... NOT
You? Shooting a gun?
Girls are fragile, lol smiley face.

dlr said...

Sierra, thanks for posting these pictures.

dlr said...

You forgot to mention your father is a former winner.

Ashly said...

I *love* the pictures, Sierra!! Especially the bullet one and the one of Jesi and I. :)
