Saturday, May 29, 2010

Well Presbytery is over, but what a joy it was! This year it was held in Walworth, WI. and personally, I think it was one of the best yet! Wednesday was when the whole thing started, but our family arrived in Wisconsin Friday morning around 9:45, just in time for The Wintons music and devotion! After that, the families ate lunch provided by Christ Church and then off we went to a park where we played our hearts content of Volley-Ball. Then Friday night was the ordination of the Elders and after that came pizza, ice-cream, and yes, dancing. :)

Not only do the Wintons play beautifully, but they're the kind of people who are fun and will always look on the brighter side of things. We were blessed to spend lots of time with them, so they became fast friends! :)

Cody doing a fabulous job playing his guitar!

The CPC choir doing some voice exercises with their hands raised high. Yes, this was an exercise. :)

Jonathan did a fabulous job teaching the choir two music pieces for the ordination, it turned out beautifully!

Use caution-that's the boy side of the room. ;)

Becky and Becca. :)

After lunch the girls decided to help out and take down the volleyball net to take to the park nearby-though Joanna and Megan look kinda confused.

Water, feet, flip-flops, and a reflection of someone. This picture has it all. :)

How many homeschoolers does it take to put up a volleyball net?

Everyone is ready to play-game on!

Josiah and Casey reach for the ball! Who will get it?

This is one of my favorite shots-I love this angle!

And Matthew spikes it!

The California team-winners of the first game in Volley-Ball. Great job, y'all!

Myself, Mom, and Josiah.
Yeah, we make a pretty cool team. :)

Especially when Josiah has this great arch! No wonder why he can do backflips easily...

Hey Jo. :)

High-fives and "good games" take a while with a big group like this.

The CPC choir again practicing before the real thing!

"Oh sing a new song to the Lord..."

Elder Lovett ordaining four men Elders of the CPC...

A prayer of blessing on the new elders.

Mr. Patterson giving a short talk and closing with a benediction.

Mmmm, deep dish pizza. Can't get any better than that. :)

The Wintons again providing great music for us all to enjoy!

Presbytery-where everyone is family. :)

Creamy yumminess. :)

Me and Mel. :)

Nothing like dancing!!

Three big smiles from three happy girls.

After Friday nights events, there was an "after party" at the hotel where lots of friends gathered and just had fun. Pictured here is Nathan and Rebecca.

A circle of friends play Spoons-fun times!

Saturday morning I woke up to this. Josiah with his dog, Lady. Her name fits her so well- because she has to have her pillow. :)


Jacob Guenther said...

Great pics Sierra!! :)

Kathryn Grace said...

Ha ha... we all look rather... interesting... with our hands above our heads. :-) The choir came out pretty good for only 2 or 3 hours of practice!
Great pictures! I will be putting up a link to your blog on the presbytery recap page on our church website!

Tara Janelle said...

Hey, great post, Sierra! Love all the shots you took that weekend! It was so nice to see you and play games with you and just chat a little here and there!
Thanks for coming and see you soon (hopefully!)