Monday, October 18, 2010

*steps in front of the curtain* Helllooo!! :D 

 Now, before y'all start throwing tomatoes please know I have a perfectly good excuse for not posting since the 22nd of September. I've been, well, busy. Very busy. Reformation day is just around the corner, school is piling up, meals need to be prepared, and engagements need to be met. Also, dear readers, I have taken up something new-DRIVING! My parents surprised me last month by informing me that I would be taking drivers-ed from the 13th of September to the 13th of October with two of my friends. That pretty much took over my life, but I was soo blessed by my teachers, classmates, and driving instructors. It was a great time, and lots of memories were made, but I'm so relieved that its over and done with. Oh! and I'll have you know that so far I haven't driven into anything except for my driveway, hopefully we'll keep it that way for a while. :) 

One of my good friends shared this quote with me, it's from Martha Washington and it says: "The greatest part of our happiness and misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances." Isn't that beautiful? I just love it. 'Cause not only has life brought me a busy schedule, but its brought me struggles. Struggles that tempt me time and time again to live life in gloominess and discontentment...I think of the classic movie "Anne of Green Gables" and the quite depressing quote Anne makes when she says, "My life is a graveyard of buried hopes." I see my own weakness when I think of my own life in this way, honestly, sometimes I have. I think every one of us has been in the place of despair, whether it would be getting discouraged in the area of school, budgeting, relationships, future plans. We've ALL been there. But for us, as Christians, our life is anything BUT a graveyard of buried hopes. Because, think about it, what IS our hope? Jesus Christ. And is He buried? No, but truly, risen and conquering the world. I think many of us, including me, tend to forget where our hope is placed in. We get so caught up in all our troubles and doubts that we don't see the little sparkles of blessings that are all around us if we just take a look...the babies smiles, the warm company of family, the sweet fellowship of friends, the colorful changes of seasons, the soft patter of rain, and the beauty of a blue, cloudless sky. The list goes on! "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." This verse calls us to live day-to-day with joy and contentment, and to revel in the hope Christ has bestowed on us. :)

Well before I take off, I'd like to share three photos of my three friends, also known as my sisters. Hope you all enjoy these few shots, and continue living your life JOYFULLY for Him.   :) 

*bows and steps behind the curtain*

~Lenna Marie

~Elita Grace

~Hannah Faith


Josiah David said...

Very good post Sista!

Kasey Mitts said...

*throws a couple of old tomatoes at you* juuust kidding- wonderful post, sie! I enjoyed it immensly. :)
And yes, I do remember when you were talking about the inspiration to do a post like this.. ;)

Elissa said...

Excellent post Sierra! It gave me a lot to think about :)

Oh, and you have three of the cutest sisters ever. :D

Love you girl! (When are y'all coming out to visit?)


Tara Janelle said...

Been waiting for you to post! :) And a good one it was too! Elita looks so grown up in that picture!! Can't wait to see you this weekend - it's going to be an amazing time, I'm sure!


Unknown said...

had an amazing time going through drivers ed with you too, Sierra!! :D Looking forward to seeing those Reformation posts next week - hint hint :D ;)

Ethan Webb said...

GREAT pictures! =D

Kathryn Grace said...

I loved what you said about our lives can never be a "graveyard of buried hopes" because our hope is in Christ, who is alive and reigning! Very well said! (even if it IS romantic to say your life is a graveyard of buried hopes - you do have to remember Anne used it as a phrase of comfort *winks*).

See this THIS WEEKEND! Yaaaay!

Thomas Candler said...

Very nicely done my Dear!

Johnathan said...

Nice shots Sierra!

Ali Holmes said...

That was a really really good post Sierra! Also where is Lenna's arm in here picture!?! I LOVE the pictures!


Rachelle Jones said...

Dear Sierra,
Thank you so much for the insight...I have been feeling in the spot of Anne quite a bit lately and found that quite encouraging. I hope you are doing well...I haven't heard from you in a while. Do you like driver's ed? Oh, and I LOVE the shots! You are a wonderful photographer.