Friday, July 16, 2010

*smiles* My poor blog. Have I ever mentioned that Summer is the craziest season? It's funny how people start out blog posts like this when they have been out of the blogging sphere for a while, but it is so true! Although, too, it may be laziness on our part. And, because of this laziness I am now going to fill you in on our experience at the R.P.C.U.S Family Bible Conference in Bluefield, Virginia.

Basically, it was great. Great in every possible way...I learned so much and was convicted about so many things. Whether it would be about the Fear of God, living like an authentic Christian, or just the basics like waiting on God, it was wonderful. Simply, wonderful. So wonderful, that someday soon I'm gonna take out my notes of the week, study them, and write a little post about it. Well, maybe not a little, we'll see. :) But I believe that every once in a while, us Christians need some sort of a wake-up call, this was mine. And, I am so thankful to God that our family was able to make it to Bluefield. Not only was the preaching great, but I was able to reunite with old friends, make new ones, sing in a choir, play lots of sports, and have the option of eating ice cream every day! It was a memorable week that I will never forget...

But before I walk you through the pictures, I'd like to thank each and every one of you who took time and prayed for me as I took on the challenge of distancing myself from worldly music for a while. It's amazing what prayer can do. I haven't had that urge to listen to beaty music, and, I believe, I've been growing lots in, thanks. :)

We had only two hours to go, it was time to bring out the Kids Map!

The beautiful Virginia mountains, as far as the eye can see. Excuse the vehicles... ;)

Josiah just got a Nikon D5000 for his graduation gift, he loves it and "plays" with it all the time. :)

We're almost there!! :D

We made it!! And, were reunited with our dear friend, Rebecca.

It's amazing what iPhoto can do to a picture... :)

Elita and I got a dorm room all to ourselves, here we are the first night. Tired, but happy. :)

Pretty flower.

(such an inspiring caption, right?) ;)

Choir practice! Thanks to Mr. Fleck for being soo patient with us! Lets just say that when we finally got it, we sounded wonderful. :)

Elita and her new friend, Claire.

One of my favorite speakers, Pastor Joe Morecraft, speaking from the book of Revelations.

The Johnson men and Mrs. Fleck playing some hymns and sounding absolutely amazing!

To all those piano players out there, Calvin Jones is a musician that you won't ever forget and his concerts are such an amazing experience. Check out the link and some of his music! Pictured, is him playing an fabulous duet with his daughter, Rachelle.

Mr. Jones and Pastor Morecraft smiling for the camera!

Hannah among the other little kids singing with their favorite singer...

Judy Rogers! :D

Mercy singing with her aunt, "Alligator Shoes". Mercy and I became fast friends and we had a great time together at the conference. From volleyball to climbing trees, it was a blast and I wouldn't trade any of those memories for the world. :)

Pastor John Otis playin' some tennis, and from what I can remember, doing a great job of it too! Go, Pastor Otis!!

My favorite kind of shots come from camera wars! :)

Elita with more of her new friends-cuties, huh? :)

Me with my little buddy, Ian. :)

The conference ended with the traditional Barn Dance which was lots of fun-as always!!

Dancing the Patty Cake Polka!

Judy Rogers again, with her little fans. :)


Unknown said...

finally a post about that conference!!! I was beginning to wonder if you would never post about it!!! :P :D JK! :D Looks and sounds like you guys had a W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L. time in VA!!!

Hannah Leigh said...

HEY! I'm in one of your pictures! =D
It was good seeing you again!

In Christ,

Tara Janelle said...

Pastor Morecraft is one of my favorite speakers too!!! Would love to read a post from your notes!

Sounds like a great conference! Thanks for sharing your pictures!

Rebecca said...

You did it!!! You posted! Three cheers! Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip.....
Anyway, yeah...

This conference had some of the best lectures yet, it really was a blessing to sit under the teaching of such great men.

It was so great getting to see y'all there! I hope y'all come next year!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sierra! It was nice meeting you at the conference! :)

Rachelle Jones said...

Wonderful post...loved the pictures! You got some really good ones! Can't wait for the notes... ;)