Thursday, June 18, 2009

Quick Prayer Request...(s)

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to give you heads up. I'm probably not going to be posting very soon because I'm going to get my wisdom teeth pulled on Tuesday the 23rd. I'm really nervous about the surgery, but even more so about getting dry socket...So if you could keep me in your prayers, I would be very, very thankful.

Also, my dear friend Melinda will be getting her's out tomorrow at 3:00pm, and I'm sure she would be grateful if you could keep her in your prayers as well. :)

And last but not least, if you could keep our family friend, Tom Deladurantey in your prayers as well. He went to the hospital on Sunday and found out that he had an infection behind his eye, and so the doctors did surgery on it. As far as I know he got out of the surgery successfully and is now "home" and resting up. Please pray that he will have a quick recovery and that God will keep him strong for His Kingdom.

Thank you all so much! :)



SuperAngel said...

praying for you all! :(
The Daily Planet

Rebecca said...

I will tell the rest of my family and we will be praying!

I hope your surgery goes well, I know those can be nerve racking.

With love and prays, your friend,
Rebecca Marie

SavannahLynn said...

Ouch!!!I hope all goes well.I'll keep you in my prayers!

Elizabeth J. said...

Hello there! I arrived here from Jessica McDonalds blog-you're blog is very interesting. I'm sorry about your wisdom teeth removal, I'll be praying.=) If you would like, feel free to drop by my blog.

Miss Amy said...

I hope it went well and that you feel MUCH better soon! *Hugs*

Abigail said...


Our family is praying for you and Thomas.

See you on Sunday!


jill said...

I was praying for you on that day. Hope you're recovering well! It was great to see you all when we were up there. :)

Thomas DeL said...

Hey Sierra, thanks so much for the prayers...thanks everyone. I'm fully recovered and back to work:D


Sierra said...

Amanda, Rebecca, Savannah, Amy, Abigail, and Jill: Thank you *all* so much for your prayers. Honestly I had a long recovery, and I'm actually just now starting to feel better. But your prayers and support is what got me through this and I thank you all so much! Love and hugs!

Elizabeth J.,

Thanks so much for visiting and for commenting! Please do not feel shy about putting your impute into what I post about! I went to your blog a well and it looks like fun! :)

Tom, No problem, I'm so glad your feeling better! :) Just try not to hurt yourself again. ;)