Saturday, May 1, 2010

Good Times

Remember all the happy times with your loved ones.
Happy memories will bring laughter.
Laughter will bring love.
Love feeds our souls and brings us together.
Creating once again laughter.
Thus the cycle will go on and on.
~Vicki Reed


SavannahLynn said...

awww...thats sooo sweet...and cute:P unless those happy memories were rather embarrassing:P

Melyssa L. NicDhòmhnaill said...

Love it Sierra!!! Who get the credit for this picture?!?! Very nicely done! And I have to agree with you there! It's so much fun to remember those happy times that are filled with so much laughter your sides end up hurting!! And indeed, that is the cycle of life....let's make the best of memories while we have the time! *grin* =D <3

Tara Janelle said...

Cool photo!!! Thanks for sharing!

Leah said...

beautiful picture Sierra!

Sierra said...

Savannah-Thanks! I know what your talking about, though this memory was quite lovely. :)

Melissa-Thanks, m'dear! Bailie Photography gets all the credit, it was an amazing time and I think this was one of my favorite shots! Ditto, girl!! :D Love you lots, girl. See you tomorrow!

Tara-Isn't it? I love it allot...See you soon!! :D

Leah-Thanks, girl! <3