Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 2nd

Saturday morning our family all headed out to the Ryken's house to play some paintball with some other friends and families. Of course, us girls didn't play, but we did have an awesome photo shoot which I will post about soon.

As for they guys, they had a blast!!! Unfortunately I didn't get any action photos because I didn't want to risk myself getting shot by going into the battle scene, plus, the poison ivy and ticks out in the woods are everywhere! And, I didn't want my camera to get busted because its my baby. :) But, if you would like to see some cool shots, my dear friend Tiffany got some.

So, onto the pictures!...Oh, and I will post the "girls photo shoot" sometime very soon. :)


The Guys

Team #1/Don't they look happy??

Nathan looks like he's ready!

Nice ultimate drink don't 'ya think?? :)

Tippmann Paintball Gun

I wonder what their talking about, Jason D. and David P. look really into it!

David P.

Well look who decide to come?...Nathan D. from California!

This shot was fun, it took about 8 shots, but finally we got one with our "body-guards"! :)

Jedidiah E. looking a little tired...

Don't you dare.

The Ryken's beautiful lake...


Rebecca said...

That looks like a lot of fun Sierra! :) You got some really good pictures.
Have a great day!

Rebecca Marie

Robert L. said...

Looks like fun.

SuperAngel said...

Great pics, Sierra! Looks like a lot of fun! :)
The Daily Planet

Miss.M said...

My brother! I was so looking forward to these pictures. I hope he isn't being a bad influence :D.

Sierra said...

Becca, Thanks! And yes, it was a total blast!! :) <3

Robert, Yeah it was, sometime, if you ever come, we should get a paintball going so that you can join us. I'm sure you'll have a great time!

Amanda, Thank you so much!! <3

Miss M, Hey!! Thanks for commenting! And yep, there's your brother! :) He hasn't been *that* bad, but you should have seen him on SUNDAY!! *gasps* lol!! jk! :D
Love ya girl!


Thomas DeL said...

This is Northside, reporting to southdside: WE WILL KICK YOUR BOYS (Lower quarters) IN PAINTBALL!

Now don't cry girls...it's just a heads-up ;)

Sometime...hopefully in the near future, both churches can get together for a HUGE game of Deadball!

BTW, isn't it Josiah's Bday today?...or am I wrong? If it is, tell him I said "Happy Bday"...and if it isn't, tell him "Happy early/Late Bday".