Thursday, February 26, 2009

X-Box Party!!

Last weekend our dear friends the Neisens had Josiah, me, and a couple of other friends over for an X-box party. I had never really played any X-box because I had never had the chance...But during our stay at the Martinez's, I got to play and found that I really enjoyed it...Just not the dying part, because that's usually what happened, thanks to the gang in Texas, (you know who you are). ;) Anyway, I got to play again at the party and usually died. But hey, it was still *very* fun! :) To start the evening off, the guys played their own game which would consist of Ashton and Garrett constantly killing each other. And Josiah and Emil just trying to find each other. Though what I saw, they all had a very good time bashing each other to pieces, shooting the bodies, (even though they were dead), and driving over people. It was a very vicious game. LOL! ANYWAY, after the guys played a couple of games, we all gathered together and ate some "Papa Murphy's" pizza, I would have to say that the double crust 4 meat pizza was the best. I was *full* by the time we were finished. After dinner the guys went back in to play while Sarah and I tried to decide what to do. It was then that I suggested that we played "Scattagories", now, I've played *many* games of Scattagories before, but I would have to say that the one I played with Mr. Neisen, Mrs. Neisen, and Sarah was the best I've EVER played! But of course if Mrs. Neisen is concerned with anything, its bound to be good! I can't think of the ones that they used, but here I was writing down things that were boring and not really exciting, while they put down things that were absolutely HILARIOUS!! :D So, after around 9:00, Ashton and Emil both left, so Sarah and I decided to join the guys in a round of "Call of Duty"...Guess who won?? Garrett...again. ;) After playing that game for a while I decided that I was sick of dying, so I suggested that we played "Halo"...Which I lost at that too, but at least they had much cooler guns and vehicles. :) So after a fun-filled evening, supervised by Mr. Neisen, we called it quits and went to bed.

It was definetly a wonderful night *full* of laughs, fellowship, and Mrs. Neisen's delicious cookies. Thank you Neisens for an *awesome* night! :)

So, before I bore to to death, here are a few pictures, enjoy!

~Garrett, Josiah, Emil, and Ashton~

~'Lil Stephanie~

~Would you dare challenge me to a game of Scattegories?~

~Matthew and Cara even joined in the fun! Matthew gets his excersise by *really* getting into it.~ :)

~Stephanie again, look at her beautiful eyes!~


Robert L. said...
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Robert L. said...

Sounds like fun. Do you know if the friends you played with have X-Box Live...If they do then next time y'all play over there give us a call and we can see if we can connect. Maybe we can even get the East in.

Rebecca said...

Sounds like y'all had lots of fun! :)
I have heard a little about Call of Duty but I have never had the chance to play or see it played.
Now that you have had more practice with Halo you could probably beat me, I have not played it since right after y'all left or much of any other x-box games lately for that mater. I guess before y'all come down next time I will have to work on my skills a bit. :)

Love ya,
Rebecca Marie

Garrett Niesen said...

Yes I do have X-box Live and so does my younger brother... Mine: Elusive92 and His: steakstalker97

BTW, fun X-box party, we should do it again soon. just wait and see who wins when Jeffrey is home :) He always destroys me like I destroyed you. ;) He is good enough to call in the dogs on me.

Sierra said...

Robert, Yes,(as you can see), our friends do have X-box live! And if we could all get together on it, that would be awesome!!! :)

Rebecca, Yes, we had *tons* of fun, though I don't think I played enough to beat you, but I do hope to practice more...:) *hugs*

Garrett, LOL! Yeah, well you were nice enough to switch the settings to "dogs off", plus, the other times we were on a team, so that was nice. :) And I don't think I would even *want* to play if Jeff was there, I would get *CREAMED*! :)

Robert L. said...

I will send you a friend invite Garrett. I know we have at least one game inn common, that being Halo 3. (I hope you 3 and not 2) But to tell the truth I hardly ever play it. I am more of a Tom Clancy fan myself. Ghost Recon 2...If you do not have it, you need to get it.

Robert L.

P.S. I work a full time job and do school, so I have not played as much X-Box as some people. You can expect me to be just another target.

Emil Bandy said...

LOL... just running around trying to find someone?!?! aw... I wasn't that bad... I was running around just trying to find someone WHILE throwing grenades randomly at everything I saw.. it's a big difference... :-)

Thomas DeL said...

Shoot!...why do I always miss all the fun?!?! :(

I've been trying to get the guys up here to have another LAN party, but nothing so far.