By Emil, thanks! :)
I'm supposed to list six things I've learned in the past month, and then tag six friends. So, here goes:
I've learned...
1. How to drive a dirt bike...Those things are awesome! :)
2. How to make apple cider, (thanks king family!)
3. How to sing the "Whats that a hat" song, (luv ya melinda!)
4. How to wake up at 5:30, even when I don't want to. :)
5. How to take pictures with my new Nikon, and learn to enjoy it, even when others don't...;)
6. How to shoot rubber-bands the "really fast" way, (thanks dad)
I Tag:
Savannah E.
Melinda S.
Rebecca M.
Margret G.
Leah B.
Oh, and for the ones who don't have blogs, you can just leave it as a comment! :)
P.S. There will be a post about the "Leadership Meeting" that was held in our NEW BUILDING Monday, hope y'all like pictures!! :)
Thanks for tagging me!
That's cool you've learned how to press cider, we've been doing that too!!
Dirt bikes are VERY fun to drive!!! :D
I can't wait for your pictures!!
Hay do my a favor and beat Jeremy on the ping pong table. Oh, and yes keep your practice up. Do not slack off, we are expecting to have a large tournament while y'all are down.
Robert L.
Thanks for visiting Robert! I'm looking forward to the tournament, and to seeing y'all, but I do need to practice...But its kind of hard when you don't have a table. Our church used to have one, but not anymore, but I can still practice at my dad's work. :) Oh, don't worry, I already beat him, actually twice. :)
Hey girl sorry I did not do this sooner! I have been kinda busy...
I've learned:
1. About Fire Proofing my marriage. ~Once I get married that is..;)~
2. Watching a movie with friends is TEN times better then watching it alone.
3. Waking up early and spending my time with my Lord is better then getting a little more rest.
4. Giving up things for Christ is better then getting things I do not really need.
5. How to sing the "What's that, a hat?" song with Sierra! (Love you too!)
And 6. How to accept my life for how God made it. And not keep wishing things were different.
There you go girl! Love ya!
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