Saturday, October 18, 2008

Awaited Post...

Last Monday was our first Leadership Meeting in our New Building, and it was SO much fun! The day started out with the McDonald, Sanford, and Candler family all coming into the HUGE kitchen and working together to make a wonderful dinner of tortilla soup, chips and homemade salsa, and delicious peanut butter cookies! :) After dinner us kids got some music together and with the help of Tiffany and Anna we started some dancing so we would be prepared for Reformation Day, and of course just for fun. :)

Oh, before you view these pictures please know that I didn't have time to sort through them, so if there is a fuzzy, or someone not looking, SORRY!! I hope you enjoy them anyway! :) Have an amazing and blessed weekend!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! That was SO much fun!!
Love ya!

SavannahLynn said...

Cool pictures!!!Pleas go to my blog and look at my last post!!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures!!!

Looks like y'all had a lot of fun! :D

I wish I had some where to practice dancing for Reformation Day. I don't hardly know any dances.... :(


Jennifer said...

Oh, this looks like fun! You guys must have had a blast!

Thank your for your prayers :) I'm excited to meet everyone I've heard about!